CMaster 1.2.3 includes some minor bug fixes including: option-dbl-click on a function name where the file containing it was alread open no longer results in a horizontal scroll, color-hiliting option disabled for TPM 6 (Symantec forced it on in such a way that we can't offer the option to turn it off), show preceding comments should now work, and some of the keyboard equivalents were reworked so they work for either TC5 or TC6 (Symantec changed the keyboard actions that move you to the left or right margin of a line to be more in line with the Human Interface Guidelines), so we now generate different key strokes for TPM 6 (see the TC6 manual).
Also, it seems that you can use keyboard equivalents when in the THINK Find dialog. The following list was posted by Symantec (not sure if these are in the manual, but CMD-S and CMD-H work in both TC5 and TC6). We had noticed on our own that these two work:
Command-S Select all source files (multi-file-find search gets turned on)
Command-H Select all header files (multi-file-find search gets turned on)
Symantec Tech Support: " The new find dialog supports command key equivalents for all items in the dialog:
Command-, Exclude <System> Files
Command-E Entire Word
Command-W Wrap Around
Command-I Ignore Case
Command-G Grep
Command-B Batch Search
Command-D Don't Find
Command-F Find
Command-. Cancel
<esc> Cancel
And no, this didn't make it into the documentation or the READ ME. In general
all dialogs have command key equivalents like these that are the first or
second letter in the button."
NOTE: many people have posted problems with "THINK Project Manager" Version 6.0 (don't know why this wasn't released as version 6.0.1, but our version shows 6.0 as the version number when you CMD-I the file from the finder) having to do with SmartLink (both in applications and in CODE resources). Symnatec has advised people to NOT use SmartLink until they release a newer (fixed) version.